The Cheekiverse explained.

What is the CHEEKIVERSE?

Think of the Spider-verse, Where there are multiple alternative versions of Spider-Man that had appeared in various media, but make it PikaIn the Cheekiverse you will find different varieties of Pika amongst her platforms showcasing her gameplay, cosplays, self-photography, Sensual side and more
Art by SlampbellPres on Twitter.

Who is Pika?

Known as PikaPeaks or PikaCheekss online, she's better known as Caitlin in person (but prefers to go by her nickname). Pika is an Adult content creator on Twitch and OnlyFans whos love and passion for video games and mental health exceeds everything else. She continues to provide a space amongst her platforms for others to be 100% authentically themselves, including herself. She has a passion for shooters, aiming to breakdown toxic masculinity in lobbies one game at a time- With style.

What's the difference between PIKAPEAKS & PIKACHEEKSS?


is Pika's Twitch handle, designed to present the love and passion she has for Video games- Specifically shooters. You will see her main snipers in majority of the games she plays, as she finds it to be the most challenging amongst skilled players.
PikaCheekss however, was created to showcase her love for self-photography, cosplay and her sexual/sensual side. She expresses her mental health throughout her cheeky platforms.

Simple Questions, Simple Answers:

Pronouns? She/Her

Birthday? December 5th. 

Where is Pika from? Raised in Brooklyn, New york, born and now residing in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Big 3? Sun- Sagittarius, Moon- Libra, Rising- Aquarius. Do what you will with this information!

Pets? Yes. 2 Cats named Tails (Russian Black) and Gizmo (Russian Blue. They are brothers who are polar opposites when it comes to personality.

Top 3 Games? Legend of Zelda- Windwaker, Skyrim and Kingdom Hearts. 

First Video Game? Probably something Mario related, since Pika's father is heavily into nintendo (thanks to his mother).

Top 3 Animes? Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Case Closed and Cowboy Bepop.

Other Hobbies? Besides wasting her life playing video games or taking pictures of her A**, Pika enjoys painting, graphic design, and Tattoos (let's consider it a hobby for her own sake).

Does Pika have a Community Discord? Yes. Check it out by clicking HERE. Get active updates on her streams, content and join the community for games, anime nights and more! 

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